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Visitor Policy

We welcome visitors -- please contact to arrange a visit.


The Stanford Nanofabrication Facility is located in the Paul G. Allen Building on the Stanford main campus. Nearest visitor parking is available in Parking Structure 2 ("Via Ortega Garage").  Parking is also available in the Roble Field garage at Via Ortega and Santa Teresa streets. For general information about planning a visit to Stanford, go to Visitor Information on the University website.


Information, directions and maps on how to get to the Stanford campus can be found on the University Visitor website. If you are arriving by car, the nearest visitor parking to the Paul G. Allen building is available at the street level in Parking Structure 2 ("Via Ortega Garage".) Note that parking permits are required during working hours, typically until 4 pm, M-F (check posted signs.) If you are taking public transportation, the Stanford Marguerite shuttles between the Caltrain transportation hub and the Y2E2 building close to Paul G. Allen.


A wide variety of local area hotels/motels are available. Visiting academic researchers may want to consider the Stanford Guest House. During summer months, sponsored visitors may also find housing through Stanford Conference Services, which offers studio apartments and residence hall rooms. Locals also offer short-stay accommodations through various online services.