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SNF & SNSF Merger - stay tuned for more info!


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The Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF) 

Originally built as an electronics fabrication foundry, our facility has evolved and adapted with the needs of our research community.  Today, SNF is comprised of the following fabrication spaces co-located in the Paul G. Allen and Allen Annex buildings:

The Cleanroom.  This space forms the core of SNF, housing equipment traditionally used to support fabrication of electronics, but goes beyond conventional silicon today.  The equipment housed in the cleanroom are those that support particle-sensitive process and require specialized gas and chemical handling. 

The ExFab. The Experimental Fabrication labs are collection of lab spaces named for our favorite California beaches.  ExFab tools support fast-turnaround processing, heterogeneous integration, and direct-patterning methods.

The MOCVD Lab.  The "Metallo- Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition" (MOCVD) Lab occupies 1 kft2 of space in the Allen Annex building.  The instruments here are used to deposit thin films of III-V materials with application in wide bandgap devices, LED's, and devices for extreme environments.  

The Electronics Shop (SPF). Also known as SPF (Systems Prototyping Facility), users of this space can build boards and systems, from design to assembly, DIY or as a service.

For more detailed technical information about our offerings, please check out the SNF Labuser Guide, which not only lists of fab equipment by process function/technique or name, but serves as a library of process know-how for anyone to use (or contribute to!)

About the organization

While SNF has been Stanford's Nanofab for almost thirty years, it has an illustrious history at the center of Silicon Valley.  Learn more about our history, our mission today, and our connection with Stanford's Nano Shared Facilities on campus and US-wide network.